There are various reasons to love living in Latah Valley. For starters, it’s only 9.4 miles outside of Spokane Valley, WA, and 2613 residents are estimated to live within this great neighborhood. Plus, with all sorts of amenities, you’ll never run out of things to do while you’re home to enjoy them for yourself.
The Livability scores rank Latah Valley, Spokane, WA, as an excellent place for you and your family to live. This residence is the 8th ranked neighborhood in Spokane while also ranking better than 88% of areas neighboring it. Besides that, This prestigious residence is ranked 52nd in the whole of Washington, hence proving its worth.
The cost of living in Latah Valley, while lower than the Spokane average by 11%, is still higher when compared to other areas across America. Housing prices also tend towards being less expensive here at 5%. For this reason, it is easier to find some properties that offer significant discounts from what would usually be expected based on their location and amenities offered.
Latah Valley, Spokane, WA, also has a much higher crime rate than the national average, with 70% higher rates than the national average. Violent crimes there are 24 percent more frequent too. You have an almost 1 in 26 chance of becoming a victim in Latah Valley. Despite these statistics, this neighborhood is 36% safer than most residential estates in Washington.
In the Latah Valley, 18% more people earn an income compared to those living across America as a whole. However, that same data shows there’s still room for improvement when it comes to household earnings which are 4% less than the national average. The male median earners are also 41% higher than female ones. The unemployment rate in Latah Valley is 37% lower than the national average. This means that if you live there, your chances of finding a job are much better. The poverty level has also held steady, which is equal to the national average.
The school test scores in Latah Valley are equal to the national average, while 92% of people who live there have completed 8th grade. Furthermore, over 92% of people have completed high school, and more than 35% have obtained a bachelor’s degree.
Additionally, Latah Valley real estate values are 13% higher than the Spokane average, while rental prices are 8% more expensive. This neighborhood might be a great choice if you want to invest in real estate.
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