A little over 6.8 miles away from Spokane Valley, WA area lies the lush and beautiful neighborhood of Liberty Lake, WA. This neighborhood is home to an estimated population of 8566 people; you’ll find everything that makes life worth living here.

Liberty Lake, WA, is the perfect neighborhood with an exceptional livability score. It’s the 5th ranked neighborhood in Washington and 824th out of all America’s neighborhoods. Furthermore, this location ranks better than 97%of other places around it too.

Living in Liberty Lake is a great opportunity. The cost of living here compared to Washington’s average isn’t too bad, and housing prices are also reasonable when compared across America as well. Living in Liberty Lake is affordable, with 3% lower costs than the average in Washington. The living cost in Liberty Lake is 15% higher than the national average, while the housing is 29% higher than the national average.

In the city of Liberty Lake, residents can enjoy a lower rate of crime and violence than anywhere else in America. The statistics show that Liberty Lake crime rates are 52% lower than the national average, while Violent crimes in Liberty Lake, WA, are 68% lower than the national average. In Liberty Lake, WA, you have a 1 in 90 chance of becoming the victim of crime, so the neighborhood is 70% safer than most other cities across America.

Median household income in Liberty Lake, WA is 13% higher than the national average, while male median earnings are 41% higher. This makes it a pristine place to live if you’re looking for more money, as the income per capita in Liberty Lake is 14% higher than the national average. The unemployment rate in Liberty Lake is nearly 50% higher than the national average, but there are some positive signs. For example, it has been shown that the poverty level here is 49% lower than what you would find on average across America.

The people of Liberty Lake have a higher than average academic achievement. 95% of its residents are graduates of 8th grade, and 48 percent exceed the national average on their standardized tests. In the city of Liberty Lake, nearly 95% have high school degrees or higher, and 44.8%hold at least a bachelor’s degree. 

The real estate market in Liberty Lake is a bit more affordable than it would be if you lived somewhere else. Not only that, but the rental prices here are 11% lower as well. The Liberty Lake real estate prices are 2% lower than the Washington average. Additionally, rental properties in this city are 11% lower when compared to their counterparts across Washington–a significant difference.

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