Manitocannon Hill is a neighborhood that’s located about 8 miles away from Spokane Valley, Washington, with an estimated population of 4778 residents. Manitocannon Hill, Spokane, WA, is a Spokane Valley neighborhood with an exceptional livability score. Manitocannon Hill, Spokane, WA, is the 1st ranked neighborhood in Spokane and 10th ranked neighborhood in Washington. This neighborhood ranks better than 97% of areas around it.
The living costs in Manitocannon Hill are 5% lower than the Spokane average, while housing prices are 21% higher. Furthermore, there’s a 21 percent difference between what you pay for housing and the national standards.
It is a must to consider the crime rates when looking for an area that will suit your needs. However, if you’re not too bothered by high or low-crime neighborhoods there are many other reasons why this neighborhood may be right for you. Manitocannon Hill, Spokane, WA, has 15% higher than average criminal activity than the national average. However, the rates are not as high when considering violent crimes, and they’re 77% lower than the national rate, which makes it an exceptionally safe place to call home.
Manitocannon Hill is among the safest places in Washington, but you still have a 1 in 38 chance of being a victim, which is 83% less likely than average cities across America. Furthermore, Manitocannon Hill is safer than 73% of the cities in Washington.
The income per capita in Manitocannon Hill, Spokane, WA, is 40% higher than the national average. The Male median earnings are 41% higher than female median earnings. On top of that, people here tend to make more money with a median household income 50% greater than what it would be on an average basis across all states and other locations. It’s no wonder why so many have thrived: there are plenty of opportunities for success if one only takes advantage of them while they last.
With the high per capita income, The unemployment rate in Manitocannon Hill, Spokane, WA, is 64% lower than the national average. This is due to a thriving economy in the neighborhood with an educated workforce. However, the poverty level in this area is equal to most other places nationwide.
The Manitocannon Hill school test scores are 81% higher than the national average, while 97% of people in this area have completed 8th grade, which is impressive. The area of Manitocannon Hill is not only a supportive community but also one with high educational levels. Not surprisingly, 97% of the population here has completed their High School education, while 63 percent have earned at least an undergraduate degree.
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