Rockwood, Spokane, WA,  is a neighborhood located just 6.9 miles from Spokane Valley and has an estimated population of approximately 4304 residents in this area- which might be why so many people move here to make their homes feel more like home.

If you are looking for a great place to live in Spokane Valley, look no further than Rockwood, Spokane, WA. This neighborhood has an exceptional livability score and ranks 3rd  out of all neighborhoods around it. Liberty Lake also happens to be 27th ranked within Washington, which means that this location would provide better living conditions than 91% of other places nearby if they were comparable.

The cost of living in Rockwood, Spokane, WA, is lower than the Spokane average but higher than that across the nation. The people of Rockwood enjoy a cost of living that’s 2% lower than the average in Spokane. The cost of living here is still 16% higher than America’s national average. However, the residents can console themselves with 34% more desirable homes on offer.

Crime in Rockwood is 51% higher than the national average. However, violent crimes are 50% lower here, making this an attractive place to live with low rates of crime overall. Rockwood is one of the safer townships in Washington. With only a 1-in-29 chance that you’ll become a victim of crime, it’s easy enough for any Rockwucker residents with their heads up, as it is 57% safer than other neighborhoods in Washington.

The median household income in Rockwood, Spokane, WA, is 23% higher than the national average. Male median earnings are 41% higher than female median earners, which means it’s an ideal place for families with children. The people of Rockwood have a higher income than the average American citizen. In fact, 40% of the residents here make more money than what most other Americans bring home. The unemployment rate in Rockwood is 5% lower than the national average, while its poverty level comes out at a similar level to that of America.

The school in Rockwood is doing very well. The students here are 76% more likely than average to get into college, and 98% of people have finished 8th grade. 98.1% of people in Rockwood have completed high school, and 68.5% are college graduates, making it easy to see why so many choose this city as their home. 

The average price of homes in Rockwood is 73% higher than the Spokane area’s normal rate, but there are some properties that offer better deals. On the other hand, rental prices in Rockwood are 17% higher than the Spokane average. 

Minnehaha, Spokane, WA
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